I am a qualified teacher with specialisms in Spanish, Geography & Irish. I have worked as a teacher in Ireland, Australia and the UK. I teach children the way I want my son to be taught. I try to make colourful resources that will engage and make teachers and students lives easier. I don't always get it right but I'm always learning and striving to.
Claddagh Classrooms
I am a qualified teacher with specialisms in Spanish, Geography & Irish. I have worked as a teacher in Ireland, Australia and the UK. I teach children the way I want my son to be taught. I try to make colourful resources that will engage and make teachers and students lives easier. I don't always get it right but I'm always learning and striving to.
Claddagh Classrooms
This bundle contains a PowerPoint and a 7 page booklet to teach the topic of the possessive adjective in Irish. There are loads of activities and students should feel very comfortable with this topic after they've completed all tasks.
This 10 page booklet contains various activities covering the topic of food in Spanish. There are word jumbles, cross words, translation activities, fill in the gaps, online dictionary activities and matching exercises.
This us perfect for revision and also as an accompaniment when teaching the topic. All activities can be printed and used as stand alone starters / plenaries or homework tasks:)
This will be all you need for a festive Halloween lesson this year.
This PowerPoint contains various activities to help students learn all the need to know about Halloween in Spanish. Student will engage in finding vocabulary, word searches, matching exercises, multiple choices activities and also they will attempt to write a short paragraph in Spanish about what they do.
All files are editable for your needs.
Enjoy Claddagh Classrooms
This will be all you need for a festive Halloween lesson this year.
This PowerPoint contains various activities to help students learn all the need to know about Halloween in Spanish. Student will engage in finding vocabulary, word searches, matching exercises, multiple choices activities and also they will attempt to write a short paragraph in Irish about what they do.
All files are editable for your needs.
Enjoy Claddagh Classrooms
This booklet contains 14 activities for both KS3 & KS4 students. The booklet is divided up into different sections with each section having independent tasks. Tasks can be used as you cover the topic of weather or as starters / plenaries / additions to your own lessons.
The sections are as follows:
1. Vocabulario
2. Comprensión
3. Direcciones
4. Gramática
5. Traducción
Examples of activities include:
Fill in the gaps
True / False
Identifying tenses
Translation - Spanish/English & Vice versa
The final section is a translation piece that students at GCSE would be expected to complete. (AQA Paper 4 GCSE 9-1)
This 20 page booklet is an excellent revision tool for students for the topic of 'My area' in Spanish. This booklet can also be used as a means of preparing students for their written controlled assessment.
The booklet contains various activities which aim to help students master the following aspects:
1. ¿Dónde vives?
2. ¿Qué hay en tu barrio?
3. Direcciones
4. Hablando de tu barrio
5. Problemas en tu barrio
Each section contains a series of activities such as translation, fill in the gaps, comprehensions, matching exercises and ordering information. The final aspect of the boklet is a controlled assessment type of activity where students will produce a written piece about their area. They will be able to attempt to include the following:
¿Dónde vives exactamente?
Describe tu barrio.
¿Te gusta tu barrio? ¿Por qué?
¿Hay mucho que hacer para los jóvenes / los adultos?
¿Cuál es lo bueno / lo malo de tu pueblo?
¿Qué te gusta más de tu pueblo?
¿Cómo es la gente por lo general?
¿Qué deportes se pueden practicar?
¿Hay muchos problemas?
¿Si pudieras cambiar algo en tu ciudad, qué cambiarías?
¿Cómo será tu pueblo ideal en el futuro?
This bundle contains great resources for your classrooms this St. Patrick's day. There are activities, displays and the story of St. Patrick in simple Irish for all levels's to understand.
Bain taitneamh as:)
Claddagh Classrooms
Three translation bundles for the new GCSE AQA Spec Paper 4.
Topics Include
Mi Familia
Mi Tiempo Libre
El Colegio
These are for the Higher Tier students
Bundle contains Grammar revision mats and exercises for some of the most prominent grammar topics in Irish; An Aimsir Chaite, An Aimsir Fháistineach, An Aimsir Láithreach, An Modh Choinniollach, Séimhiú & Urú. Bain taitneamh as!
These work books are great for accompanying lessons. The can be used as homework tasks, challenge tasks, starters, plenaries or revision tasks prior to commencing course work.